Earlier this month I inherited a team of stellar humans. Most of these folks have only known me as a peer and for only ~3 months.
As part of the transition, I sent this Slack in the team channel:
Some thoughts on how I manage:
- GCal - My calendar is always up to date. You’re welcome to any blank space. Please don’t be shy, but please DO include a brief agenda.
- Slack - I’ll do my best to respond promptly in Slack but I’m not perfect. Please ping me again if I haven’t replied as quickly as you need.
- Bad news early. If you think something *might* go sideways, let me know ASAP.
- I will do everything in my power to have your back. Sadly, I am not all-powerful.
- Sometimes I have to say “no”, but when I do I’ll do my best to articulate why I’m saying “no”.
- Everybody needs something different from a manager. To the extent you know what you need, let me know! If not, we’ll figure it out together!
- I will do my best to over-communicate. Especially changes to the team or company.
- Call me out if you need more/different from me. My job is to support y’all!
In times of great change, communication is key!